We’re celebrating the publication of our latest book - Clinical Negligence Made Clear

Join us at Kings Chambers, Manchester on 11th December

Kings Chambers are kindly hosting a launch party on 11th December to celebrate the publication of our latest book - Clinical Negligence Made Clear - by their Head of Chambers, Nigel Poole QC. The event will be at their Manchester chambers in Young Street  and kicks off  at 5pm.

Although not about employment law, we think the book is as an excellent intrducution for anyone thinking about moving iinto this area of practice or, of course, you can pass on details to colleagues already advising on neglience claims.

We'd love to meet some our regular readers there so if you are in the area and would like to join us, and meet the Kings Chambers team, email rsvp@kingschambers.com.

Of course, if you cannot make it you can still buy the book here.

clinical negligence made clear

Published: 04/12/2019 10:56

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