Social Media: when can you dismiss? January 2016 questions

12 questions relating to the Social Media webcast recorded in January 2016

Please note: this is repeat of the previous course on Social Media because the original course became corrupt - therefore, please use this one.

This month's questions relate to the webcast Social Media: when can you dismiss which was recorded in January 2016. To access the webcast click [here]().

All subscribers to Employment Cases Update should have received an email telling them how to download the webcast for free. If you haven't received the email, or you need a reminder, please telephone us on 01225 577810 or email

For each question answered correctly 10 minutes of CPD is added to your training record so if you answer all 12 that will give you 2 hours.

Barristers: please note that, according to BSB rules, you will have to answer at least 3 questions correctly, equivalent to 30 minutes, for the training to count towards your CPD requirements.


Published: 26/09/2016 10:53

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