Nambalat v Taher & Anor: Udin v Pasha & Ors [2012] EWCA Civ 1249
Conjoined appeals concerning the application of the National Minimum Wage Regulations to domestic workers. Appeals dismissed.
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06/10/2012 12:21
Johnson v Ruck SSC Ltd UKEATPA/1928/11/ZT
Appeal against the Registrar’s decision that the claimant’s Notice of Appeal was out of time and time should not be extended. Appeal dismissed.
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02/10/2012 15:13
United Learning Trust v Rose UKEAT/0220/12/LA
Appeal against a decision by the Tribunal which for the most part rejected the claimant’s claim of race discrimination, but found that the respondent had discriminated against her on the grounds of race for failing to reply to an email. Appeal allowed and the entire race discrimination finding was set aside.
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02/10/2012 15:12
Timbo v Greenwich Council for Racial Equality UKEAT/0160/12/SM
Appeal against the striking out of the claimant’s sex and race discrimination claims half way through the hearing and without hearing the respondent’s evidence. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
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02/10/2012 15:11
Pat Systems v Neilly [2012] EWHC 2609 (QB)
Application to enforce a restrictive covenant, and counterclaim for wrongful dismissal, where the employee had been summarily dismissed after handing in his resignation on the grounds that he had repudiated his contract. The claim failed as the relevant clause was found to be unenforceable and therefore the counterclaim for wrongful dismissal succeeded.
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01/10/2012 10:38
Purohit v Hospira (UK) Ltd & Anor UKEAT/0182/12/ZT
Appeal against a costs order made against the claimant after her unsuccessful claims of sex and race discrimination, victimisation and sexual harassment. Appeal allowed to a limited extent and remitted to the ET to consider the question of means.
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01/10/2012 10:04
Asif v Elmbridge Borough Council UKEAT/0395/11/DM
Appeal against a rejection of the claimant’s argument that she should have been given the post of a colleague who had resigned during the claimant’s notice period, having been made redundant. Appeal dismissed.
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01/10/2012 10:03
Clyde & Co LLP & Anor v Bates Van Winkelhof [2012] EWCA Civ 1207
Appeal concerning issues of whether a member of an LLP was entitled to bring whistle blowing and discrimination claims.
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27/09/2012 08:45
Chikwe v Mouchel Group Plc & Anor UKEAT/0633/11/CEA
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant’s claims of race and age discrimination as they had been presented out of time and it was not just and equitable to extend time. Appeal dismissed.
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21/09/2012 16:15
Watkins v BBC UKEAT/0189/12/LA
Appeal against a refusal to allow the claimant to amend his ET1. Appeal dismissed.
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20/09/2012 15:22