Akintola v Capita Symonds Ltd [2009] EWCA Civ 1425
Rrenewed application for permission to appeal on grounds of unfair constructive dismissal and protected disclosure. Application allowed in part.
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13/01/2010 11:01
Garrett v Lidl Limited UKEAT/0541/08
Appeal concerning reasonable adjustments and whether they could constitute victimisation
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08/01/2010 17:31
Olubodun v Total Stay Group Limited UKEAT/0204/09/DA
Appeal concerning whether damages should be paid for breach of contract
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08/01/2010 17:25
Unison v Somerset County Council & Ors UKEAT/0043/09/DA
Appeal by union against decision in the ET that the defendants had not failed to comply with Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006
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08/01/2010 17:16
National Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children v Dear UKEAT 0553/08/0701
Appeal against ET finding that imposition of performance requirements on an employee represented a disciplinary sanction and a repudiatory breach of contract
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08/01/2010 17:11
Daley v Serco Home Affairs Limited & Ors UKEAT 0086/09/0701
The Claimant's appeals against the Employment Tribunal's conclusions on the issues of constructive dismissal and four specific allegations of discrimination on the grounds of race failed on the facts. The Employment Tribunal had adequately set out the facts it found and explained the reasons for its findings.
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08/01/2010 17:05
Abiola v North Yorkshire County Council & Ors UKEAT 0369/08/0701
The appeal of an unsuccessful Claimant on perversity grounds against the dismissal of his claims for discrimination on the grounds of race and victimisation failed on the facts.
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08/01/2010 16:59
Chambers-Mills v Allied Bakeries [2009] EWCA Civ 1414
Application for permission to appeal against striking out of appellant's complaint under the Disability Discrimination Act
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06/01/2010 10:41
O'Neil v Buckinghamshire County Council UKEAT/0020/09/JOJ
Appeal against decision by ET to reject claims of sex discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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05/01/2010 13:47