Welcome to Employment Cases Update, the UK's leading index of free to view employment law cases.
Employment Cases Update is the UK's leading index of free to view employment law cases.
We cover all key Employment Appeal Tribunal, High Court, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court decisions, as well as key European cases, in a single source. The site is updated almost every day.
Succinct summaries of each case and full search functions make the site an unrivalled research tool for all employment lawyers, HR professionals, trade union reps and anyone else involved in employment litigation.
CJ v PC [2024] EAT 182
Appeal against the remedy judgment after the Claimant was successful before the ET in claims for discrimination arising from disability and victimisation. Appeal dismissed.
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02/01/2025 15:58
Aliyu v Tesco Stores Ltd [2024] EAT 185
Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant's claims of victimisation, protected disclosures and harassment. Appeal dismissed.
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02/01/2025 14:03
Carozzi v University of Hertfordshire & Anor [2024] EAT 169
Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant's claims of harassment and victimisation. Appeal allowed.
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02/01/2025 12:43
Leeks v Royal Marsden NHS [2024] EAT 178
Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant's claim because it was out of time. Appeal allowed in part.
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20/12/2024 11:39
Saveka v General Mills UK Ltd [2024] EAT 186
Appeal against a refusal to extend time to appeal various case management decisions. Appeal dismissed.
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20/12/2024 11:34
Deksne v Ambitions Ltd [2024] EAT 171
Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant's claim of unlawful deductions resulting from underpaid holiday pay. Appeal allowed.
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19/12/2024 16:52
Arthur-Badoo v Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust [2024] EAT 163
Appeal arising from a suspension from work where the claimant had been suspended as the employer thought he required an immigration check
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04/12/2024 10:30
MacLennan v The British Psychological Society [2024] EAT 166
Appeal in whistleblowing claims where the whistleblower was the President-Elect of a charity
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03/12/2024 13:39
Carnival Plc (ta Carnival UK) v Ms Laura Hunter [2024] EAT 167
Appeal arising from a redundancy exercise where the claimant, who was on maternity leave, thought a role had been kept open for her.
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03/12/2024 10:51
Midgley v Vossloh Cogifer UK Ltd [2024] EAT 149
Appeal against costs order where a warning letter had been redacted
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02/12/2024 13:05