Gaurilcikiene v Tesco Stores Ltd UKEAT/0209/12/KN
Appeal against the rejection of the claimant’s claims of victimisation and race discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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25/04/2013 17:08
Durrani v London Borough of Ealing UKEAT/0454/2012/RN
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant’s claim of victimisation and against a ruling about the proper respondent to the claims. Appeal dismissed.
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14/04/2013 18:59
Rowstock Ltd & Anor v Jessemey (EHRC Intervening) UKEAT/0112/12/DM
Appeal against a decision that post termination victimisation could not be pursued because the Equality Act 2010 expressly excludes it. Cross-appeal against a failure to make any Polkey reduction in the compensation awarded. Appeal dismissed, cross-appeal allowed.
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06/03/2013 09:06
Hanif Mohammed T/A Mohammed & Co Solicitors v Jackson UKEAT/0370/12/SM
Appeal against a finding that the claimant had been victimised by being subject to a detriment for doing a protected act. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal for a full hearing.
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31/01/2013 17:54
McLauchlan v Chubb Electronic Security Sytems Ltd UKEAT/0235/12/SM
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant’s claims of disability discrimination and victimisation. Appeal dismissed.
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10/01/2013 16:33
Riverside ECHG v Ubredi UKEAT/0624/11/LA
Appeal against a finding of racial victimisation. Appeal allowed and finding overturned.
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18/10/2012 18:02
North Bristol NHS Trust v Harrold UKEAT/0548/11/CEA
Appeal by the respondent against a decision refusing its application for an adjournment in a case where the claimant had alleged victimisation. Appeal also against the refusal of applications to review its decision, and the respondent sought to adduce fresh evidence pursuant to the principles in Ladd v Marshall. Appeal dismissed.
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20/09/2012 15:20
Ajayi v The Apuldram Centre UKEAT/0393/11/CEA
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant’s claims of race discrimination and victimisation. Appeal dismissed.
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20/09/2012 15:19
Local Government Yorkshire & Humber v Shah UKEAT/0587/11/ZT
Appeal against the level of award made to the successful claimant as a result of bringing a PIDA claim to the ET. Appeal allowed in part.
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28/08/2012 09:34
The Learning Trust & Others v Marshall UKEAT/0107/11/ZT
Appeal against decisions allowing the claimant’s claims of race, sex and disability discrimination and in relation to protected disclosures. Appeal allowed in respect of sex and race discrimination, appeal allowed in part in respect of protected disclosures and disability discrimination.
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18/07/2012 23:29