unless order
Hamdoun v London General Transport Services Ltd & Anor UKEAT/0414/14/DM
Appeal against the striking out of the claimant's claim. Appeal allowed.
- cases
30/06/2015 15:45
Hylton v Royal Mail Group Ltd UKEAT/0369/14/DA
Appeal against the refusal of an application for relief from the automatic strike-out following non-compliance. Appeal dismissed.
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30/04/2015 13:59
Harris v Academies Enterprise Trust & Ors UKEAT/0097/14/KN; UKEAT/0102/14/KN
Appeal against the failure of the EJ to strike out the respondent’s response after they failed to comply with the EJ's orders. Appeal dismissed.
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03/12/2014 13:55
Murray v Standard Life UKEATS/0003/14/JW
Appeal against the striking out of the claimant’s claims of unfair dismissal and discrimination. Appeal allowed and case remitted to the ET for a full hearing.
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30/07/2014 15:26
Redhead v London Borough of Hounslow UKEAT/0086/13/LA; UKEAT/0026/14/LA
Appeal against two orders which refused 1) the claimant’s application to amend her claim forms; 2) application to vary an unless order; and 3) relief from sanctions in respect of the unless order. Appeal dismissed.
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14/07/2014 12:15
Mace v Ponders End International Ltd UKEAT/0491/13/LA
Appeal against the striking out of the claimant’s claim of unfair dismissal after he failed to comply with an unless order. Appeal allowed.
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04/07/2014 15:13
Richards v Manpower Services Ltd UKEAT/0014/13/LA
Appeal against a decision by the EJ declining to make an order striking out the respondent’s response when they had not complied with an unless order. Appeal allowed.
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03/05/2013 15:12
Rogers v Department for Business, Industry & Skills UKEAT/0251/12/SM
Appeal against the striking out of the claimant’s claims of race, age and sex discrimination and unfair dismissal. Appeal allowed.
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25/04/2013 17:12
GCHQ v Bacchus UKEAT/0373/12/LA
Appeal against a refusal by the ET to strike out the claimant’s claim of disability discrimination and to proceed without expert psychiatric evidence on either side. Appeal allowed and an unless order was imposed on the claimant with strike out being a possibility if the unless order was not complied with.
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24/08/2012 10:18
Cunningham v Aurora Kendrick James Ltd UKEAT/0055/12/MAA
Appeal against a judgment striking out the claimant’s claim for failure to comply with an unless order. Appeal dismissed.
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02/08/2012 12:52