unless order
Duncan Lewis Solicitors Ltd v Puar UKEAT/0175/19/RN
Appeal against the ET’s decision setting aside a previous order striking out the Claimant’s claim for failure to comply with an unless order. Appeal allowed.
- cases
15/01/2020 13:12
Uwhubetine and another v NHS Commission Board England and others UKEAT/0264/18/JOJ
Appeal against the ET’s decision that the Claimants had failed to comply with an earlier Unless Order and so their claims were struck out without any need for further Order. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
08/08/2019 13:22
McCarron v Road Chef Motorways Ltd and Others UKEAT/0268/18/RN
Appeal against the ET’s determination that a disability discrimination claim stood dismissed for non-compliance with an Unless Order. Appeal allowed.
- cases
10/06/2019 22:32
Kier Highways Ltd v Cunning & Ors UKEAT/0008/18/RN; Amey Services Ltd v Cunning & Ors UKEAT/0009/18/RN
Appeal against a ruling that the Claimants were not in breach of an Unless Order, their claims had therefore not been struck out and they could proceed to a Full Hearing. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
22/11/2018 10:58
Amey Services Ltd v Bate & Ors UKEAT/0082/17/JOJ
Appeal against an order granting relief from the sanction of a strike out following the failure to provide particulars pursuant to an Unless Order, and an appeal against an order for costs against the firm acting for some of the Claimants. The appeal against the relief from sanction was allowed, the costs order appeal was dismissed.
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23/02/2018 10:19
Singh v Singh Trustee Representative on behalf of the Guru Nanak Gurdwara West Bromwich UKEAT/0158/16/BA
Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant's application to have an order dismissing his claim (because of non-compliance with an unless order) to be set aside. Appeal dismissed.
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21/11/2016 14:48
Wentworth-Wood & Ors v Maritime Transport Ltd UKEAT/0316/15/JOJ
Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimants' claims by virtue of non-compliance with an Unless Order. Appeal allowed for some Claimants.
- cases
05/10/2016 10:12
Morgan Motor Company Ltd v Morgan UKEAT/0128/15/DM
Respondent's appeal against a decision by the ET granting the claimant relief from the sanction of the earlier dismissal of his claim for non-compliance with an unless order. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
- cases
01/09/2015 13:22
Szepielow v NHS Tayside UKEATPAS/0019/14/SM
Appeal against a refusal to extend time after a Notice of Appeal had not been properly instituted. Appeal allowed.
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27/07/2015 10:52
Enamejewa v British Gas Trading Ltd & Anor UKEAT/0347/14/DXA
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant's application to have an unless order set aside. Appeal allowed.
- cases
23/07/2015 10:16