unless order
Fox v South Essex Academy Trust [2024] EAT 199
Appeal against strike out of claim after the claimant failed to comply with unless orders.
- cases
12/02/2025 10:24
Kiseliov & Ors v Alpha Vehicles Ltd [2024] EAT 8
Appeal against a decision to refuse the Claimants' application to have a notice of the dismissal of their claims set aside. Appeal allowed.
- cases
20/09/2024 10:32
Chumbu v The Disabilities Trust [2024] EAT 113
Appeal against the refusal by the ET to set aside an unless order and grant the Claimant relief from sanction. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
02/08/2024 10:25
Tattersall v Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (formerly Southport & Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust) [2024] EAT 24
Appeal against a confirmation notice issued by the ET, striking out the Claimant's claim after he failed to comply with an unless order. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
08/04/2024 14:33
Wakeman v Boys and Maughan Solicitors & Anor [2024] EAT 39
Appeal arising from applications by the respondent for unless orders where the claimant was disputing the disclosure made by the respondent.
- cases
04/04/2024 11:05
Bauhaus Educational Services Limited v Elemide [2023] EAT 161
Appeal against a decision that an unless order made against the Claimant had been complied with. Appeal allowed.
- cases
08/03/2024 13:25
Davey v Harrods Ltd [2023] EAT 133
Appeal against the striking out of the Claimant's case because he had not complied with various orders. Appeal allowed and the strike out was set aside.
- cases
03/11/2023 14:58
Davey v Harrods Ltd [2023] EAT 133
Appeal against the striking out of the Claimant's case because he had not complied with various orders. Appeal allowed and the strike out was set aside.
- cases
31/10/2023 16:31
Parmar v DPD Group UK [2023] EAT 103
Appeal against the ET's refusal to set aside a strike out order for non-compliance with an unless order. Appeal allowed.
- cases
10/10/2023 11:05
Chauhan v University of Leicester [2023] EAT 112
Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant's claim after he failed to comply with an unless order. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
07/09/2023 09:21