Francis v Cleveland Police Authority UKEAT/0335/10/ZT
Appeal against the level of compensation awarded as a result of a successful unfair constructive dismissal claim. Appeal allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal.
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27/05/2011 10:22
Chivas Brothers Ltd v Millar UKEATS/0032/10/RN
Appeal by employer against finding that the claimant was due pay in lieu of notice after his employment was terminated following a long sickness absence. Appeal allowed.
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21/02/2011 08:34
Kerr v Ernst & Young Services Ltd & Ors UKEAT/0567/10/RN
Appeal against an order which ruled that, due to the passage of time and witness unavailability, allegations of unlawful sex discrimination made against certain individuals could not be heard but should be considered as matters of background evidence only. Appeal allowed and order struck out.
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15/02/2011 18:54
KRD Property Maintenance Limited v O'Donnell UKEATS/0016/10/BI
Appeal against finding of unfair dismissal where the ET found that the respondent had no genuine belief in the claimant's misconduct. Appeal allowed on perversity and remitted to a fresh tribunal.
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12/12/2010 19:51
Arhin v Enfield Primary Care Trust [2010] EWCA Civ 982
Application to appeal refusal by the EAT to allow the appellant to appeal their decision in relation to compensation and re-engagement/reinstatement in an unfair dismissal case. Application allowed.
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23/08/2010 11:02
May v Greenwich Council UKEAT/0102/10/LA
Appeal against rejection of the claimant's ET1 form because the Tribunal ruled that it was illegible. Appeal succeeded: the EAT ruled that, although the claim form was difficult to read in places, the original claim form was readable without the use of a magnifying glass, and thus the Tribunal's decision was perverse.
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01/06/2010 13:28
Ruhaza v Alexander Hancock Recruitment [2010] EWCA Civ 29
Application for permission to appeal against striking out of appeal to the ET where an affidavit possibly went missing within the EAT offices. Application granted.
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05/02/2010 17:26
Ashman v Sainsburys Supermarkets Limited UKEAT/0252/09/DM
Appeal against decision to award the claimant a basic award, but no compensatory award, for unfair dismissal. Appeal dismissed.
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28/01/2010 15:51