amendment of claim
Dosanjh v Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust UKEAT/0517/12/GE
Appeal against a refusal to allow the claimant to amend her claim of unfair dismissal to add in claims of race and disability discrimination. Appeal allowed and application to amend was remitted for reconsideration by a differently constituted Tribunal.
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11/09/2013 11:08
Blackburn v Aldi Stores Ltd UKEAT/0185/12/JOJ
Appeal against a finding that the claimant had not been constructively unfairly dismissed and against a decision not to allow an amendment to his claim. Both aspects of the appeal were allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal.
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11/09/2013 10:23
Orford v S Three Staffing UK Ltd UKEAT/0058/13/RN
Appeal against the rejection of the claimant’s application to have a second respondent joined to the proceedings. Appeal allowed and second respondent joined.
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04/09/2013 11:49
Connect Personnel Ltd v Domanska UKEAT/0563/12/BA
Appeal against a finding that the claimant was discriminated against due to her pregnancy. Appeal dismissed.
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16/08/2013 15:46
Andrew v Cledor & Anor UKEAT/0111/13/RN
Appeal against a refusal by the EJ to allow the claimant to amend her ET1 after her particulars of claim went beyond the claim as set out in her ET1. Appeal allowed in part.
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08/08/2013 12:23
Chief Constable of Essex Police v Kovacevic UKEAT/0126/13/RN
Appeal against an EJ’s decision to allow an amendment application and extend time to bring claims of direct and indirect race discrimination. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh EJ to determine the question of whether there should be allowed an application to amend the claim form.
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26/07/2013 12:38
Singh v Governing Body of Moorlands Primary School & Anor [2013] EWCA Civ 909
Appeal against ET and EAT rulings that the claimant could not rely on a witness statement of a former colleague in support of her claim of constructive dismissal because the statement attracted judicial proceedings immunity. Appeal allowed.
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26/07/2013 12:15
Dosanjh v Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust UKEAT/0517/12/KN
Appeal against the decision of the EJ that the delay in raising new discrimination claims made it inequitable to amend the claimant’s claim form. Appeal allowed.
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16/05/2013 16:24
Glasgow City Council v Fox Cross Claimants & Ors UKEATS/0004/13/BI
Appeal against a ruling allowing an amendment to an Equal Pay claim. Appeal dismissed.
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12/05/2013 15:09
Thomas v Samurai Incentives & Promotions Ltd UKEAT/0006/13/RN
Appeal against refusal to give permission for the claimant’s claim to be amended. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal for further consideration.
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17/04/2013 14:36