amendment of claim
Pruzhanskaya v International Trade & Exhibitors (JV) Ltd UKEAT/0046/18/LA
Appeal against a refusal to allow the Claimant to amend her in-time claim of unfair dismissal. Appeal allowed.
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25/07/2018 11:35
July 2018 Online Update Course
This month's 12 questions relate to Mark Shulman's May 2018 article on amending an ET1 and whether the amendment is merely a re-labelling exercise.
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17/07/2018 10:00
Amending an ET1 - Case Round-Up: May 2018
In this month's round-up, Mark Shulman, consultant solicitor with Keystone Law, looks at a round-up of recent cases on the relevant issues for ETs when deciding whether to allow an ET1 to be amended.
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09/05/2018 10:50
Patka v BBC & Anor UKEAT/0190/17/DM
Appeal against a decision to allow the Claimant to amend his ET1 but only to a limited extent. Appeal dismissed.
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16/04/2018 10:39
Reuters Ltd v Cole UKEAT/0258/17/BA
Appeal against a decision allowing the Claimant to amend his claim so as to add claims of direct and indirect disability discrimination. Appeal allowed.
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11/04/2018 11:29
Murray v Maclay Murray & Spens LLP UKEATS/0004/18/JW
Appeal against the refusal to allow the Claimant to join as Respondents members of an LLP, who had been members of the practice for whom she had worked. Appeal dismissed.
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16/03/2018 14:57
Herry v Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council & Anor UKEAT/0170/17/LA
Appeal against a refusal to allow the Claimant to amend his claim. Appeal allowed.
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06/03/2018 11:17
Galilee v The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis UKEAT/0207/16/RN
Appeal against the refusal to allow the Claimant to amend his claim. Appeal allowed and remitted to the ET for reconsideration.
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06/12/2017 11:12
Conteh v First Security (Guards) Ltd UKEAT/0178/17/LA
Appeal against the refusal to allow the Claimant to amend his claim to include claims of having made protected disclosures. Appeal dismissed.
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05/12/2017 14:45
Ministry of Defence v Dixon UKEAT/0050/17/DM
Appeal against a decision that the ET had jurisdiction to hear the Claimant's claim of unfair dismissal. Appeal dismissed.
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06/10/2017 11:10