AEL v Flight Centre (UK) Ltd [2024] EAT 116

Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant's application for an anonymity order. Appeal allowed.

The Claimant brought various claims to the ET and there are 4 separate ET judgments which are in the public register and which therefore continue to be in the public domain. The Claimant made two relevant applications for anonymity orders under Rule 50 Employment Tribunals (Rules of Procedure) 2013 requesting that the Claimant’s name be anonymised on all public listings and records relating to her claims against the Respondent and that any future hearing take place wholly in private. The second application was supported by a disability impact statement and medical records. She also requested a restricted reporting order under section 12 Employment Tribunals Act 1996 and Rule 50(3)(d) ET Rules. Both applications were refused, the ET saying that anonymity and restricted reporting orders are only granted in exceptional circumstances on a limited basis; neither of which applied in this case. Her application for reconsideration was also refused and she appealed.

The EAT allowed the appeal. When the ET considered the application for reconsideration, it referred to the first application for an anonymity order instead of the second (which had been supported by a disability impact statement and medical records).

Published: 17/08/2024 13:52

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