France v Khan & Ors [2022] EAT 58
Appeal against the refusal of the Claimant's applications to seek orders for disclosure from the Respondent that she thought relevant to her grounds for reconsideration of a costs order made against her. Appeal allowed.
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25/05/2022 12:44
Bayo v Ministry of Defence [2022] EAT 17
Appeal concerning refusal to reconsider whether to extend time limits for a claim from a serviceman. Appeal allowed and remitted back to ET.
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16/02/2022 11:17
Shaw v Intellectual Property Office (PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE) [2021] UKEAT 0186/20/0907
Appeal against the dimissal of an application for a reconsideration of the ET decision. Appeal dismissed.
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20/07/2021 11:34
Banerjee v Royal Bank of Canada UKEAT/0189/19/JOJ
Appeal against the ET’s approach to reconsideration of its ACAS uplift. Appeal dismissed.
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12/11/2020 14:31
Ryan v Priory Healthcare Ltd and another UKEAT/0217/18/LA
Appeal against the ET’s decision rejecting the Claimant’s form ET1 against the Respondents. Appeal allowed.
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01/11/2019 15:42
Modha v Babcocks Airport Ltd UKEAT/0060/19/JOJ
Appeal against the ET’s decision refusing the Appellant’s application for reconsideration. Appeal allowed.
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25/09/2019 22:12
Gosalakkal v University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust (Reconsideration) UKEAT/0223/18/DA
Appeal against the refusal by the Employment Judge (“EJ”) of the Claimant’s application for reconsideration of the ET’s judgment. Appeal allowed.
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17/07/2019 18:55
BWSC Generation Services UK v Taylor UKEATS/0015/18/JW
Appeal against the reconsideration judgment of the ET that the Respondent was entitled to payment of accrued holiday pay. Appeal refused.
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12/06/2019 16:39
Mbubaegbu v Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust UKEAT/0218/17/JOJ
Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant's claims of unfair dismissal, wrongful dismissal and discrimination on the grounds of race. Appeal allowed only in relation to wrongful dismissal.
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21/05/2018 14:08
Scranage v Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council UKEAT/0032/17/DM
Appeal against the refusal of the Claimant's application for reconsideration of a judgment which dismissed his claims of unfair dismissal, sex, race, and disability discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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26/02/2018 11:23