protected disclosure
Voralia T/A RTS Textiles Recyclers v Osowski UKEAT/0500/12/GE
Appeal against the striking out of the respondent’s response on the ground that they had not complied with an order for disclosure. Appeal dismissed.
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18/10/2013 22:47
Langton v Secretary of State for Health UKEAT/0376/13/JOJ
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant could not apply for interim relief against the respondent because the respondent was not her employer and never had been, and there was no employer against whom a continuation order could be made. Appeal allowed and the interim relief application was remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
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11/10/2013 15:58
Oliphant v Boots Management Services Ltd UKEATS/0005/13/BI
Appeal against a ruling that further and better particulars produced by the claimant sought to introduce new claims which should have been introduced by way of amendment to the ET1, that the new claims were out of time and that no amendment should be allowed. Appeal dismissed.
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10/10/2013 10:41
Blackburn v Aldi Stores Ltd UKEAT/0185/12/JOJ
Appeal against a finding that the claimant had not been constructively unfairly dismissed and against a decision not to allow an amendment to his claim. Both aspects of the appeal were allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal.
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11/09/2013 10:23
Audere Medical Services v Sanderson UKEAT/0409/12/RN
Appeal against a finding that the claimant had been dismissed for making a protected disclosure and also against the failure by the ET to make any contributory fault or Polkey deductions. The appeal was allowed in respect of the deductions only and remitted to a different ET.
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09/08/2013 15:05
Ross v Eddie Stobart Ltd UKEAT/0068/13/RN
Appeal against rejection of unfair dismissal claims involving consideration of burden of proof where the claim involved whistleblowing. Appeal dismissed.
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09/08/2013 15:00
Flynn v Warrior Square Recoveries Ltd [2013] EWCA Civ 917
Application for permission to appeal against a decision by the EAT that the claimant’s whistleblowing claim should be struck out because it was brought out of time. Application allowed.
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02/08/2013 09:42
The Co-operative Group Ltd v Baddeley UKEAT/0415/12/JOJ
Appeal against a finding that the claimant had been unfairly dismissed. Request for ET to provide reasons for deciding that the disclosures made by the claimant amounted to protected disclosures.
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14/07/2013 12:43
Deer v University of Oxford UKEAT/0532/12/KN
Appeal against the striking out of claims, one of which was an abuse of process and the others which had no reasonable prospect of success. Appeal dismissed.
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11/07/2013 16:28
Abertawe Bro Morgannawg University Health Board v Ferguson UKEAT/0044/13/LA
Appeal against a decision of the ET not to strike out various allegations of detriment. Appeal dismissed.
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31/05/2013 17:03