practice and procedure
Her Majesty's Attorney General v Groves UKEAT/0162/14/RN
Application for a s33 order against a prolific claimant after he had made 19 claims in 5 years, claiming discrimination/victimisation when he did not secure various jobs. Application was made to last indefinitely.
- cases
09/11/2014 20:15
Practice and procedure - Case Round-Up: November 2014
In this month's round-up, Mark Shulman consultant solicitor with Keystone Law, looks at recent cases on costs, deposit orders and striking out.
- resources
08/11/2014 11:29
Millin v Capsticks Solicitors & Ors UKEAT/0093/14/RN
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant's claims of constructive unfair dismissal. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
03/11/2014 09:31
Bham v 2Gether NHS Foundation Trust Gloucestershire UKEAT/0125/14/KN
Appeal against the striking out of the claimant’s further and better particulars at a CMD. Appeal allowed and case remitted to a different EJ.
- cases
09/10/2014 15:22
Barts Health Trust v Kensington-Oloye UKEAT/0137/14/MC
Appeal against a finding of race discrimination. Appeal allowed and the finding set aside.
- cases
03/10/2014 17:17
Duncan v Ministry of Defence UKEAT/0191/14/RN
Appeal against a decision by the ET that they did not have jurisdiction to hear the claimant's complaints because the EJ took her service complaints to have been withdrawn. Appeal allowed and a costs order against the claimant was also set aside.
- cases
03/10/2014 14:57
Eyitene v Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council [2014] EWCA Civ 1243
Appeal against the EAT's dismissal of an appeal against an ET decision which rejected the claimant's claims of race and disability discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
03/10/2014 10:05
Onyx Financial Advisors Ltd v Shah UKEAT/0109/14/KN
Appeal against a ruling that an order for costs should not be made against the unsuccessful claimant. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
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25/09/2014 11:39
Johnson v United Kingdom Border Agency UKEAT/0127/14/BA
Appeal against the striking out of the claimant’s claim and against an order for costs which was made against her. The strike out appeal was dismissed, the order for costs appeal was allowed and remitted to the same tribunal.
- cases
24/09/2014 11:52
Oni v NHS Leicester City (Formerly Leicester City Primary Care Trust) UKEAT/0133/14/LA; UKEAT/0134/14/LA
Appeal against a costs order made against the unsuccessful claimant. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
- cases
24/09/2014 11:20