Lyons v DWP Jobcentre Plus UKEAT/0348/13/JOJ
Appeal against the rejection of the claimant’s claims of direct sex discrimination and pregnancy/maternity discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
08/03/2014 21:26
Unfair dismissal - Case Round-Up: March 2014
In this month’s round-up, Mark Shulman consultant solicitor with Keystone Law looks at recent cases covering constructive dismissal and the “Johnson exclusion zone”, misconduct investigations and compensation adjustments.
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07/03/2014 16:45
Kidron House v Howie UKEATS/0036/13/BI
Appeal against the level of award awarded to the claimant after her claim of pregnancy related dismissal was allowed. Appeal allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal to consider again the question of compensation.
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28/02/2014 14:49
Swanston New Golf Club Ltd v Gallagher UKEATS/0033/13/BI
Appeal against refusal of a Polkey reduction and a deduction of 33% for contributory fault. Appeal dismissed.
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23/02/2014 17:29
Stonehouse Coaches Ltd v Smith UKEATS/0040/13/BI
Appeal against the period of future loss after a finding that the claimant had been unfairly dismissed. Appeal dismissed.
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03/01/2014 16:57
WM Morrisons Supermarket Plc v Kessab UKEAT/0034/13/GE
Appeal against a finding that the claimant had been unfairly dismissed and against a failure by the ET to apply a Polkey deduction to the award. Main appeal dismissed but the Polkey issue was remitted to the same tribunal.
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04/10/2013 13:58
Steen v Asp Packaging Ltd UKEAT/0023/13/LA
Appeal against a ruling that an award for unfair dismissal should be reduced by 100% for contributory fault. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
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30/09/2013 14:26
Audere Medical Services v Sanderson UKEAT/0409/12/RN
Appeal against a finding that the claimant had been dismissed for making a protected disclosure and also against the failure by the ET to make any contributory fault or Polkey deductions. The appeal was allowed in respect of the deductions only and remitted to a different ET.
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09/08/2013 15:05
Vignakumar v Churchill Group Ltd UKEAT/0222/12/LA
Claimant’s appeal against a 65% reduction in compensation after his successful claim of unfair dismissal and disability discrimination. Respondent’s cross appeal against the award of any compensation after the date by which it decided a properly conducted investigation into the claimant’s conduct might have been concluded. Appeal and cross-appeal both dismissed.
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08/07/2013 09:31
Lifeline Energy v Miedziolka UKEAT/0258/12/KN
Appeal against the failure to apply a Polkey deduction to the compensatory award after a successful claim of unfair dismissal. Appeal dismissed.
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03/07/2013 13:55