indirect discrimination
British Airways Plc v Rollett & Ors [2024] EAT 131
Appeal against a decision that the ET had jurisdiction to hear claims of indirect discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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06/09/2024 15:18
Minis Childcare Ltd v Hilton-Webb [2024] EAT 108
Appeal against a finding of indirect discrimination. Appeal allowed.
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05/08/2024 09:50
NSL Ltd v Zaluski [2024] EAT 86
Appeal against the decision that the Claimant had suffered from indirect discrimination and harassment and against an award for aggravated damages, Appeal allowed in part.
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30/06/2024 15:38
The Royal Parks Ltd v Boohene & Ors [2023] EAT 69
Appeal against findings of indirect race discrimination where the claimants were contract workers cleaning toilets and were seeking equal treatment with the direct employees.
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08/06/2023 10:03
Allen v Primark Stores Ltd EAT [2022] 57
Appeal by claimant, who was claiming constructive dismissal and indirect sex discrimination, involving consideration of how the pool for comparison is to be identified in a claim of indirect discrimination.
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20/04/2022 11:28
Hughes v Progressive Support Ltd (Sex Discrimination - Indirect discrimination) [2021] UKEAT 0195/20/1305
Appeal against the dismissal of a claim of indirect sex discrimination. Appeal allowed.
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06/07/2021 11:45
Dobson v North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust (Sex Discrimination; Flexible working) [2021] UKEAT 0220/19/2206
Appeal against the dismissal of a claim of unfair dismissal and indirect discrimination. Appeal allowed.
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05/07/2021 17:08
Wisbey v Commissioner of the City of London Police & Anr [2021] EWCA Civ 650
Appeal against a failure to award the appellant a sum for injury to feelings after a successful claim of unlawful indirect discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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19/05/2021 10:29
Cumming v British Airways Plc UKEAT/0337/19/JOJ
Appeal and cross-appeal against the ET’s rejection of the Claimant’s claim of indirect sex discrimination. Appeal and cross-appeal allowed.
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01/02/2021 10:32
Ryan v South West Ambulance Services NHS Trust UKEAT/0213/19/VP
Appeal against the ET’s dismissal of the Claimant’s claim of indirect age discrimination. Appeal allowed.
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15/10/2020 15:09