grievance procedures
Dolby v Sheffield City Council [2012] EWCA Civ 1474
Appeal against EAT decision that the claimant could not bring her claim as she had not raised a grievance that satisfied the now repealed requirements of paragraph 6, Part 2, Schedule 2 of the Employment Act 2002. Appeal allowed.
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16/11/2012 14:42
Birmingham City Council v Akhtar & Ors [2012] EWCA Civ 585
Appeal against decision that grievances raised by the claimants in Equal Pay proceedings had not satisfied the modified grievance procedure but had fallen within the Regulation 9 of the 2004 Regulations. Appeal dismissed.
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04/05/2012 17:11
Odukwe v The Partners of Hoare Lee Consulting Engineers UKEAT/0547/10/SM
Appeal against findings that the claimant had failed to lodge a relevant grievance for the purpose of s32 of the EA 2002 and that claims were out of time as he had not satisfied the relevant extension conditions. The appeal succeeded on the first point but failed on the second point.
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27/01/2012 14:49
Beddoes & Ors v Birmingham City Council; Birmingham City Council v Beck & Ors UKEAT/0037/43, 0045/48, 0053/59/10/MW
Appeal by the respondent against various rulings by the ET in multiple equal pay claims, including 1) some claimants had permission to amend their claims; 2) some claimants employed in community schools could compare themselves with other Council employees; and 3) the Tribunal had jurisdiction to entertain the claims of claimants as they had complied with s32(2) of the Employment Act 2002.
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15/05/2011 11:03
South Ayrshire Council v Aitchison & Ors UKEATS/0050/10/BI
Appeal against an ET ruling that the claimants in a collective equal pay grievance had complied with the Employment Act 2002 s32. Appeal allowed and judgment reversed.
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11/04/2011 09:58
Raithatha v Leicester City Council UKEAT/0303/10/SM
Appeal against decision in pre-hearing review that the claimant had failed to comply with the statutory grievance procedure under repealed s32 of the 2002 Act, where the grievance had been raised in a letter referring to particulars in an ET1. Appeal allowed.
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04/03/2011 17:08
Parmar v East Leicester Medical Practice UKEAT/0022/10/RN
Appeal against barring of claim under the RRA for post-termination victimisation concerning whether grievance procedures applied. Appeal dismissed.
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02/12/2010 09:50