Anghel v Middlesex University [2022] EAT 176

Appeal against an order from the Registrar of the EAT refusing to extend time for the Claimant to appeal a decision from the ET. Appeal dismissed.

The ET had dismissed the Claimant's claims following a full merits hearing. She had applied for a reconsideration, but, upon preliminary consideration, that was refused by the judge. She sought to appeal the reconsideration decision. Her notice of appeal and attachments were submitted within the time limit, but the attachments did not include the detailed grounds of claim document that had been attached to, and incorporated in, the claim form. That document was sent to the EAT after the time limit for appealing had expired. The Registrar of the EAT refused to extend time for instituting her appeal and she appealed to the EAT.

The EAT dismissed the appeal. The Claimant's error was an error which did not amount to a good reason for extending time. It was not the responsibility of the EAT’s administration to identify the omission and bring it to the Claimant’s attention within the time limit. It was the responsibility of the Claimant to take the necessary care to ensure that her appeal was properly instituted in time.

Published: 10/02/2023 11:25

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