Rodrigues v Co-operative Group Ltd UKEATS/0022/12/BI
Appeal against a refusal to extend time for claims of race discrimination and against decision to strike out the remaining claim. Appeal dismissed.
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08/08/2012 12:18
Maunders v Wellwise Group (Wellwise Oilfield Services Ltd) & Ors UKEAT/0490/11/BA
Appeal against a ruling that found against the claimant, who claimed that he had been blacklisted. Appeal allowed on the basis that one of the respondents did not have a proper opportunity to meet the case against it.
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06/08/2012 18:05
Commercial Motors (Wales) Ltd v Howley UKEAT/0636/11/ZT
Appeal against various remedy decisions after a finding of unfair dismissal. Appeal allowed in part.
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06/08/2012 18:03
Pulse Healthcare Ltd v Carewatch Care Services Ltd & 6 Others UKEAT/0123/12/BA
Appeal against a ruling that the claimants were employees of the appellant within the meaning of s230 of the ERA. Appeal dismissed and the issue of whether their contracts of employment transferred under TUPE remitted for further deliberation.
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06/08/2012 17:59
Masson v Meggitt Avionics Ltd UKEAT/0265/11/LA
Appeal against a finding that the claimant had been fairly dismissed on grounds of capability. Appeal allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal for hearing.
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06/08/2012 08:41
Acorn Packaging v Carroll UKEAT/0534/11/SM
Appeal against a decision that the claimant had the requisite period of continuous employment to qualify for a redundancy payment. Appeal dismissed.
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06/08/2012 08:40
Sud v London Borough of Ealing UKEAT/0482/11/LA
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant’s claim of disability discrimination and the award of costs against her. Appeal dismissed.
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06/08/2012 08:37
Desmond v Cheshire West & Cheshire Council HQ UKEATPA/0007/12/DM
Appeal against a ruling that the Notice of Appeal was out of time and therefore should be rejected. Appeal allowed and extension of time allowed in this exceptional case.
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02/08/2012 17:57
Mr XX v UKBA UKEAT/0546/11/DM
Appeal against a ruling that the ET did not have jurisdiction to hear the claimant’s complaints of disability discrimination. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal for a full hearing of the whole of the claimant’s case.
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02/08/2012 17:12
Assamoi v Spirit Pub Company (Services) Ltd (formerly known as Punch Pub Co Ltd)
Appeal against a finding that the claimant had not been unfairly constructively dismissed. Appeal dismissed.
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02/08/2012 12:53