Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017
In force 1 April 2017
SI 2017 No. 328
These Regulations are made under section 172A of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 and make provision in connection with the imposition of requirements on public authorities to publish information in relation to facility time taken by trade union officials.
Regulation 2 defines certain terms.
Regulation 3 specifies who is to be treated, for the purposes of section 172A, as the employer of a relevant union official who is employed by the Crown and makes connected provision about the meaning of "employee".
Regulation 4 provides how to calculate the total cost of facility time.
Regulation 5 provides how to calculate the total pay bill.
Regulation 6 provides how to calculate the full-time equivalent employee number.
Regulation 7(1) and (2) specifies Government Departments (other than the Secret Intelligence Service, the Security Service and the Government Communications Headquarters), the Scottish Ministers and public authorities described or listed in Schedule 1 for the purposes of the meaning of 'relevant public sector employer' under section 172A. Regulation 7(3) excludes devolved Welsh authorities covered by a description in Schedule 1 from being specified for the purposes of the meaning of 'relevant public sector employer'.
Regulation 8 requires a relevant public sector employer which satisfies the employee number condition for the relevant period to complete and publish the information described in Schedule 2 and makes provision in connection with those requirements.
Made: 8th March 2017
Laid before Parliament: 9th March 2017
Coming into force: 1st April 2017
Published: 09/03/2017 17:44